Scott And Carol Present - More of Dollywood's Wild Eagle

We can sum it up in one word... WOW!
It's not hard to find Wild Eagle's construction site. The area behind this fence will be the entrance and the queue area. The loop in the background is the Tennessee Tornado.
To see Wild Eagle's loop you have to look up!
In fact the entire ride, aside from the station and the lift hill is on a mountain top in Wilderness Pass.
While the track has been completed, there is still a lot of work to do.
Here's a construction worker carrying one of the steps up to be put in place,
This construction worker is waiting for the step.
A backhoe moves a piece of the steel over to the crane.
The worker in the bucket is waiting for the steel, safely out of the crane's way.
It took awhile, there was a lot of adjusting and checking (darn safety stuff) but we finally got to see them lift the steel and put it in place.
We were hoping to see them move this piece into place, but it hung there until after it got dark.
Here's a head on look at the lift hill.
This view from the side shows how quickly the elevation changes and how the design makes great use of the hill.
In case guests didn't visit the Wilderness Pass area of the park, the nice folks at Dollywood want to make sure their guests knew about Wild Eagle!
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