Dorney Park 4.4.09 Update
I've gone the whole winter without doing a Dorney Park update so this has been a long time coming! There's still not much going on at the park as the construction for the new addition at the park is just starting now.
Still, I figured why not go see what's going on since I was in the area. And here we go:First - here's the area that's being worked on. That's the main entrance on the right - the structure on the left is the now removed outside-the-park 'blue and white stripe tent' - a big structure where people could eat their packed lunches. The big building toward the top center is the park's largest retail facility.
The tent structure is now removed and so is the large planter area between that and the admissions plaza. The park's new Good Time Theatre will be built in this area.A wide view of the area - the tent came down last year and ground work has just finally started. That pile of stuff in the foreground is mulch - unrelated to the construction.
A slightly higher view of the area. Lots of work going on today, a Saturday, in order to get this thing done. The bulldozers were pushing and carrying dirt all over.
You can see the construction area goes right up against the admissions plaza, which you can see the start of in the right of this photo. The planter here was full of taller trees so I really hope they do a lot of replanting...
If you look close on the left of this one you can see what looks like frames for a concrete pour standing up. I think the park said the building is prefab - so once the foundation is poured it should go up extremely fast!
And down in the parking lot was this pile of trees waiting to go in the ground. Not sure if they're new of the ones that were ripped out from next to the admissions area - either way hopefully they'll all go in around the new Good Time Theatre.
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