'Terminator' Coaster @ Magic Mountain
So apparently at a recent ACE event CEO of Six Flags, Inc., Mark Shapiro, let the cat out of the bag and mentioned that Six Flags Magic Mountain will be adding a Great Coasters International wooden coaster for 2009.
Okay that was sorta already known, but certainly not confirmed. However, what was news to me is that he said it'll be themed to the Terminator franchise!
There is some sense in there, though. Terminator: Salvation is set to come out in 2009 starting Christian Bale instead of the Governator - so there will be a very current media tie in for the ride.
But still! A wooden coaster themed to the Terminator? I don't see it. At all. Six Flags' tie in to the Dark Knight worked because Batman was already all over the parks and it was indoors and themed. Evel Knievel made no sense as a wooden coaster but at least the man was thrill seeker so in a vague sense there's a connection.
But Terminator and a classic style wooden thriller? I don't see it. Do you guys? Leave a comment...Oh and that makes GCI up to three wooden coasters for the U.S. next year, Magic Mountain, California's Great America, and Worlds of Fun - with a 4th on the way. They're so hot right now!
Yeah, I don't see it either. Just the plain name "Terminator" is cool but I'd still rather see that for a twisted steel coaster.
The Terminator is a metal robot...
Like, I can understand a steel coaster being themed to that far better. What will they do? Spray paint the whole thing silver and put red splats here and there? I don't see how they can tie those two together.
I almost wish they had thought of a superhero or something original (like they did with El Toro). Oh well. Maybe they'll pull it off?
Terriffic news! I for one say bring it on, why do wooden coasters always need to be themed to the past? It's either the old west or the early 1900's. Can't we move past this stereotype of wooden coasters and recognize they are just as enjoyable in present times?
Great to see so much great theming coming out of Six Flags these days- I think you can argue they are doing more theming than EVER- including the Warner Bros days. Six Flags has no studio attached and seems to have no problem with licensing arrangements. You taking notes, Cedar Fair?
Thanks for the comment guys! You all made good points.
I suppose that wood coaster theming does have a sterotype attached to it - but even if you throw that out the window and start anew I'm still not sure that I can see a Terminator theme making sense!
I do give Six Flags points for theming at all, though. It's a great move on their part to bring back ride theming.
If I had to guess there won't be too much theming on the ride and it will probably be as themed as its 'Evel Knevel' counterpart.
If they name it after a popular summer movie (much like there doing with The Dark Knight this year) its an easy way to create 'buzz' and cross promotion.
Doesn't Universal have the exclusive license to the Terminator franchise?
I'm not sure it's exclusive. Apparently the new movie is coming out through a different studio than in the past which probably confuses who has licensing to what.
blah wooden coaster i say :( yes i agree it does not fit. i wish they made a terminator ride like king da ka or top thrill dragster. but i cant say much at least we (southern cali peeps) are getting a new ride.
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