Daily Spin 6.26.08
Looks like Anheuser Busch will reject In-Bev's offer, but follow that with a company reorganization that could see the theme park division being sold off anyway. No good! Those parks are some of the best run out there... I wish they would stay with Anheuser Busch.ThemeParkReview's forums are still proving to be the best place to go for assorted photo trip reports... two I took note of recently were this one of Canobie Lake and - finally - one from Elitch Gardens! I was starting to think no one had visited Elitch yet this year. Looks like their new dark ride attraction is far from being open, though.
Moving south, we find that Universal Studios has already started construction on their new Rockit coaster for 2009. They've begun to clear out the section of the park where the new coaster, and an amphitheater, will reside. OrlandoRocks has lots of great photos.
Cedar Fair is building the company's new headquarters in the middle of Cedar Point. The Morning Journal has an article about how the company came through with using local resources and labor to build the project. I personally think it's weird that they would build this in the middle of the park ... why not on that land they own on the way in? Well I don't work there so no bother to me!
Decades Music Theme Park is one step closer to reality, though they still have a long way to go. The proposed Arizona theme park got Senate approval for a bill that would help get financing in order so construction can start. This is the first time I've seen a photo of a model of the park, it looks fairly interesting, though the image is small.
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