Kings Island Tomb Raider Ad + More
Big new attraction at Kings Island in 2002 was Tomb Raider the Ride. A big Huss Top Spin in a box with some high level theming, basically. The theming aspect always interested me. Now most of the theming doesn't work and some has already been removed. Sad.
Here's some of the original concept art:At the 2003 THEA Awards the attraction won an achievement award for its design and production. Here's the list of individuals involved in the creation of the ride:
Paramount Parks Design + Entertainment
Anthony Esparza, Concept Creator/Show Director
Dean Sharits, Executive Producer
Tina Skees, Creative Development and Brand Alliances
Mark Gildersleeve, Art Director
Mike Foley, Master Planner
Genny Ryan, Graphics Lead
Philip Petty, Environmental Graphics
Bianca Rivera, Production Assistant
David Reitterer, Technical Director
Paramount Pictures
Chuck Myers, Studio Liaison
Viacom Consumer Products
Terri Helton, Brand Liaison
Creative Consultants
Colette Piceau, It Ain't Shakespeare, Show Writer
Stephan Martiniere, Ride concept Storyboards
Mick Reinman, Guest Experience Storyboards
Sevak Petrosian, Scenic Designer
Rob Pottorf, Music Composer
Dave DeVoss, Preshow Video Producer
Mark Romero, Environmental Graphics Consultant
Paramount's Kings Island
Tim Fisher, General Manager
Sam Adukiewicz, Design & Construction Manager
Jeff Gramke, Project engineer
Jill Mohr, Operations Manager
Ed Dangler, Ride Installation Coordination
Dave Focke, VP, Construction
Don Miller, VP Operations
Technifex, Inc.
Rock Hill, Show Producer
Monte Lunde, Producer
John Schedl, Project Manager
Jim sharits, Production Supervisor
Don Simon, special effects Lead
Risto Salo, special Effects engineer
Joe Star, Lloyd Harris, Special Effects Designers
Quin Blackburn, Kevin Larson, Mechanical Engineers
Kevin Mullen, Special effects Technician
Long Pham, Electrical Engineer
Terry Ratcliff, electronics Technician
Joe Ortiz, Show Systems Engineer/Programmer
Peter Kelly, Software Integrator
Paul Shozi, Design Integration
Dave Deshong, Special Effects Fabricator
Weber Group, Inc.
Don Weber, Principal Scenic Designer
Adam McIntyre, scenic Designer
Tom Weber, Project Manager
Dan Shehan, Scenic Install Manager
Katrina Johansen, Scenic Artist
Ellis Pate, Tom Phanerstil, Scenic Fabricators
RSL Commercial Architecture
R. Stanley Ladrick, Principal Architect
Anthony Ravagnani, Project Architect
Wilhelm Hundsdoerfer, Chief Engineer
Dominique Brunet, Engineering Director
Ray Dubois, Planning Director
Bob Dean, Sales Engineer
The Bakery
Andy Waterman, Soundtrack Director
James Fielding, Soundtrack Supervisor
Thorburn Associates Inc.
James Horn, Acoustician
Visual Terrain
Lisa Passamonte, Principal Lighting Designer
Jeremy Windle, Lighting Designer
Erin Powell, Assistant Lighting Designer
Francis Mempin, CAD Specialist
Candela Design
Bill Ellis, Lighting Fixture/Dimmer Procurement
Adrienne Klotz, Lighting Programmer
Performance Audio
Kevin Lewis, Audio Designer
Rich Smith, Mitch Mitchell, Designers
Anitech Systems
Steve McIntyre, Consultant/Supplier
Imagine That
Eric Berg, Dale Warmuarth, Consultants/Suppliers
Steven Schaeffer Associates
Mike Ciprian, Project Engineer
Greg Riley, Colleen Bush, Brad Rogers, Engineers
Herndon Engineering
Richard Herndon, Principal Engineer
Dave Shaffer, Mechanical Engineer
Arman Yosmali, HVAC Engineer
Thomas Poff, Electrical Engineer
Cost of Wisconsin
Rockwork Construction
Brunaman Brothers Construction
Mike Brunaman, Construction Manager
Jeff Reynolds, Site Superintendent
Philip Geering, Controls Engineer
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