Scott And Carol Present: The Gravity Group Announcement

“Timberliners incorporate new technology, such as magnetic braking and restraint monitoring, that weren’t even imagined when wooden coaster cars were first developed,“ according to Mike Graham, who was the lead engineer for the project. We have applied our expertise to sixteen different design criteria that addresses many criteria including maintenance, safety, rider comfort, and ride capacity.”

- Single bench seating, for improved turning radius
- Shock absorption, for rider comfort
- New restraint design, for safety, security, and quicker loading/unloading times
- The new restraint design also provides the ability to monitor the restraints meeting ASTM F2291 Class 5 requirements.
- The new design also has the ability to incorporate magnetic braking, launch systems, and on board sound capability.

Sorry for the lack of images, hopefully The Gravity Group glitch will get fix and we'll post them this evening.

Now it’s time to peruse the floor and find interesting people to talk to and take a few pictures of all the new attractions. We hope to have another update later today of what we’ve seen.
are these trains going to be used exclusively on gg coasters? or will they sell the trains to anyone?
Did they mention any coasters they are installing them on soon? Any prototypes?
What did they say about being 'launch system capable'?
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