Dorney Park 9.1.08 Mini Update
Had to stop by for the last day of the 'summer' season, here's what I saw on this Labor Day 2008.They started selling season passes for 2009 early this year, having a Labor Day sale. $85.99 is pretty good price, much lower than in recent years. People on the DPO boards are reporting that this is the price the passes will sell at during The Haunt.
From in the water park you can see some CornStalkers props located in the maintenance road that will the home of the haunt. The red thing is the top of a big old tractor.
From when you cross the maintenance between the water park and Thunder Canyon you can see several tractors, lighting rigs, big wooden crosses, and plenty of cornstalks.
Club Blood is getting all sorts of cool graffiti on the outside of the building. Sorry for the bad picture but this is what available to see from inside the park.
Magic House on Boo Hill is all ready to go (on the outside, at least).
Finally, they added another hearse to the front plaza, this is the one with all the crows on it but with new Haunt lettering.
The park now closes for a few weekends for buyouts only. After that, The Haunt starts!
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