Friday, December 22, 2006

MGM Grand Ride Pictures

Just a quick find: R&R Creative Design (the company that did the theming and such for Grand Canyon Rapids, Deep Earth Exploration, and the Backlot River Tour) is still going strong and has a website. I actually thought that the company might have gone under, as I hadn't heard of them in a while.

The Themed Entertainment Association still has a member list and I found them on there. And I'm glad I did.

So R&R Creative has a few photos and a video of the rides they did for MGM Grand Adventures. Since I'm not into stealing photos, I'm going to just give links.

This page has a video montage of many of the rides the company designed. They have on there some AWESOME footage of both Grand Canyon Rapids, and the Backlot River Tour! They even have footage of the swamp monsters, inside the Temple, and of the helicopter that was in BRT. Also, I'm not sure but I believe that the image on the left is the loading area of Deep Earth Exploration.

Here's a photo sampler (too small, but still) dedicated just to Grand Canyon Rapids.

A few years back when I first started obsessing over this park R&R Creative had a different web page that had more concept art for these rides, but sadly I cannot locate them on their current site.

Edit: I found this before but kept forgetting to share it - it's some great info on Deep Earth Exploration, which really was the first simulator-on-wheels ride!