May Poll Results
Well, someone decided to be a turd again and vote for Six Flags about 200 times today in the May Poll: Which Amusement Park Company Has the Brightest Future?
So let's remove the immature-nothing-better-to-do-than-mess-with-polls bunch of votes and since I closed the poll early look at the results now:The percentages changed very little since mid-month, just more votes came in. I used the data from a day or so ago when there were a total of 407 votes.
As you can see, Cedar Fair was the winner. I don't agree with this, but I clearly cover CF quite a bit so I can't say I'm surprised.
Happily, Busch Entertainment came in 2nd, and with it's wide variety of parks, nice theming, stand out rides and attractions, animal features, etc, well - they clearly have their stuff together.
Six Flags came in third, and honestly this company is in such a transition period that I can't say where their future will lead them...
Herschend Family Entertainment came in last ... but I sorta think they should have come in first. I guess we can check back in 5 years and see if my vote (yes I voted for them) was true.
(SARCASM) I demand a recount! There could be hanging chads! (/SARCASM)
I have that feeling that Busch is getting tired of the park. Granted I haven't been in a busch park for well, a long time. Maybe I'm wrong.
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