April Poll Results
In April we had 429 votes in our monthly poll, a rather nice turnout. The question was: What is the Best Operating North American Schwarzkopf Custom Coaster? (phew, that was a mouth full, but yeah I'm specific)So SuperDooperLooper at Hershey Park came in tops with 30% of the total vote. This ride and Revolution at Magic Mountain were trading places constantly during the month, but toward the end SuperDooperLooper squeaked ahead by 10 votes. Of its many attributes, I must say that SuperDooperLooper's tunnel is awesome, it has that perfect musty old smell!
In second, as previously mentioned, is Revolution at Six Flags Magic Mountain. The ride had a respectable 28% of the total vote, which is somewhat kind considering the ride's menacing over the shoulder restraints.
However, the ride has a lot of colorful history, and obviously has a soft spot in the hearts of many of our readers.
Third: Mindbender at Six Flags Over Georgia with 19% of the total votes. The green machine makes use of the park's terrain and while I haven't been on it, it certainly looks like a fun ride.Rouding out the pack we have Six Flags Great America's Whizzer with 15% of the vote in 4th place, and Shockwave at Six Flags Over Texas with 7%. Both of these are surprising, considering Whizzer's last minute save from the junk yard when Superman was going in due to fan 'revolt' and well, Shockwave just looks awesome. What do I know though!
Thanks to all for voting, the new poll will be up momentarily.
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