Sunday, October 29, 2023

Iron Menace Supports + Track Photos at Dorney Park

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Dorney Park has started to receive more track and support pieces for Iron Menace, the park's new-for-2024 B&M Dive Coaster.  The park was extremely busy for the last night of Haunt this weekend so guests were parking in the overflow lot - which happens to be where the track and supports are being stored.  Above is one of a handful of track pieces that have arrived to date.  In the background is the largest support that is now on site.

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The track appears a bit darker in these photos than it is, they were taken as the sun was setting and I did not want to adjust the photos to make them look weird.  There are some new and much longer track pieces on site now, I think they look like parts of the brake run but I could be wrong.  The fins on the track appear for the brakes, not any lift hill component.

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The construction crews have added catwalks to a couple of the pieces of track that have already arrived.  This gives an idea of how the finished product will look - for this section (which is probably post-brakes and before the station) the catwalks are the support color, not track color.

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This very important piece of track is also on site, the base of the lift hill!  With so many of the key pieces of track for the brakes/transfer/station in place, crews will be able to start to assemble in the ride in no time!

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This was also my first look at Iron Menace's supports that are on site.  I love the contrast of the support color with the track, it looks great in person.  

The park is well underway with footer preparation, it looks like they might have 50% or so of the footers already complete for the ride!  I don't take photos over work walls, so I do not have any to share of these footers.  Dorney Park is doing a great job keeping us all updated on the progress of the ride, so hang tight for more updates from them now that the park is closed (well, closing today) for the season!