An Idlewild and Crazy Adventure: Part 1
Editor's Note: This post is the first in a three-part series covering NPN's recent visit to Idlewild and SoakZone. Be sure to check out Part 2 and Part 3 as well!
As you know, Mike and I recently engaged in a bit of historic Pennsylvania park hopping. As you also know, there is no shortage of historic parks in the state of Pennsylvania! Since there was, however, a shortage of time and resources that could be dedicated to this particular trip, we were forced to whittle down our wish list. When the dust settled, we found ourselves clear across the state in the traditional park mecca that is western PA. Nearly everything on this trip was new to us, so we were very much like kids in a candy store. And now--countless coasters, numerous interviews, and well over 1000 photos later--we are ready to share our adventures with you!
So where shall we begin? Hmm... How about the beginning!
Our trip began bright and early on a Thursday morning. [For an exact definition of "early", refer to our kick-off post.] While it was difficult to part with the cloudy skies and torrential rains of Allentown, we made the selfless decision to take one for the blog and proceed with our trip as planned.
Wait... What? Did I get my photos mixed up? Did Mike and I make a wrong turn at Albuquerque and end up at a state park rather than an amusement park?
The answer to both of those questions is a resounding NO! There's a reason why Idlewild has been called "America's most beautiful theme park", and you're looking at it. This park is positively, indubitably, unequivocally gorgeous! [That's Ms. Thesaurus to you.] For those of you who haven't visited a true traditional amusement park in a while, your heads may be in danger of exploding at the very prospect of all this greenery. But you better warm up to the idea in a hurry, because you're going to be seeing a lot of it throughout this series of posts.
Upon arrival, our first order of business was twofold: (1) Get a feel for the lay of the land, and (2) seek out our friend and Idlewild's Marketing Manager Ed Saxton. The latter was a piece of cake. Ed was ready and waiting, and gave us some great information about the park which I will be sharing with you throughout this story. The former? Not so much. Let it be stated for the record that Idlewild is the biggest "small" park I've ever seen! In fact, it can hardly be placed in the "small" category at all and I shall henceforth cease and desist in referring to it as such.

Whoa. Okay, I take it back. I take it all back! And may the dark ride gods have mercy on my soul...
Seriously, this is one heck of a walk-through attraction. And once the spirits of Confusion Hill have sucked you in, they've got you for 15 whole minutes! Our tour guide treated us to quite the entertaining story, but unfortunately I was too busy trying to soothe my inner ears to remember a lick of it. She also had a few tricks up her sleeve, not the least impressive of which involved a chair. Now if you're dying of curiosity, a quick Google search will yield quite a few photos of this stunt. [I happen to have one myself...and I may happen to post it on Facebook later this week.] But why spoil the fun? I highly encourage you to make your own pilgrimage to Idlewild and see it with your own two eyes!
This charming little railroad affords some beautiful views of both the Loyalhanna Creek and Idlewild's signature shady woods as it makes its rounds between Hootin' Holler and Raccoon Lagoon. It's only fitting that this park have a proper train ride, as Idlewild owes its very existence to a railroad. The first "pleasure grounds" to appear on this site were established by Judge Thomas Mellon, owner of the Ligonier Valley Railroad, in 1878. Like many other railroad proprietors of his time, Mellon was looking to drive additional profits by building passenger as well as freight traffic on his line. By the time the Ligonier Valley Railroad hauled its last load in 1952, Idlewild had become a well-established amusement resort which no longer depended on the railroad for its survival.
But to paraphrase an old adage, with great beauty comes great responsibility. Due to the sheer size and volume of Idlewild's wooded areas, constant monitoring is required to ensure that all trees remain healthy and do not present any imminent dangers to guests or property. "We have a tree service that's here every morning," Ed told us. They also get frequent visits from consultants who check root samples. And if a storm hits--which they frequently do in this state--even more diligence is required. I guess Kermit the Frog said it best: It's not easy bein' green.

Ta-da! Allow me to introduce you to one of Idlewild's new attractions for 2009, Tea Party. And yes, that's attractions, plural. It's an exciting year for Idlewild. "We try to add something every year," Ed told us. (And might I add that the hint of a potential upcoming 2010 announcement was in the air...)
It just so happens that Fred also made many visits to Idlewild as a child. The park obviously made quite an impression on him, and ultimately inspired him to approach Kennywood Entertainment Company in 1989 with the idea of designing a custom-built attraction that would complement Idlewild's family friendly atmosphere. The result was this fanciful trolley ride through the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
Along the journey you meet many of the characters from the popular TV show, who encourage you to spread the word that everyone is invited to a "Hug-and-Song" party at King Friday XIII's castle. (And after all, who in their right mind would turn down a Hug-and-Song party?) All of the characters' voices were provided by Fred Rogers, who also wrote the entire script. It was--and continues to be--an overwhelming hit at Idlewild. "It's amazing, the emotional appeal that people have attached to that show," Ed noted. "And then they can come live the show while they're here."

But even if you're not a fan of the show (or if you're staring at your computer screen right now saying, "Mr. Who?"), it's impossible not to enjoy this ride. Just picture it: Friendly-faced animatronics, combined with the feel-good vibe of a Hug-and-Song party and topped off with the soft-spoken voice of Mr. Rogers. You'll temporarily forget that you're at an amusement park, that's for sure!
On that note, I'm going to temporarily forget that I'm a writer...but not for long! We've hugged and sung our way through Part 1, but Part 2 promises to be more of a Splash-and-Spin affair. Stay tuned!
great post! This is a park I haven't heard or seen much about.
Glad you enjoyed it, because you'll be hearing and seeing a lot more of Idlewild in the days to come!
I am one of the cross-country visitors that made sure to be at Idlewild during the special Mister Rogers' Days this past June. It was a wonderful experience and Idlewild staff was the best! Thank you to all!
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