Friday, April 18, 2014

Scott And Carol Present - A Banshee Teaser

On April 17th 2014 Kings Island unveiled their latest roller coaster...The Banshee! It is the longest inverted roller coaster in the world.

The park pulled out all the stops to welcome us. This Banshee ice sculpture was located in the VIP Reception area.

Our day had an early start with trains pulling out of the station, with the sky still dark and all the lights on.

The Banshee's eyes lit up as she cleverly clutched rider in her grasp. Many time she held them upside down.

It was a very chilly start to a wonderful day! Kings Island's maintenance department worked very hard to insure that the Banshee took flight at the appointed hour. Only 48 hours prior Banshee was experiencing snow.

You will have to wait for the rest of the story, because we are on the road all weekend.