Dorney Park 8.23.08 Update
I wish I had the energy to do these updates during the week when the crowds are less, but that whole "having a job" thing tends to get in the way! Regardless, today was another over, over, overflow day - the park was totally packed like super crazy.If you really look at the above photo, doesn't it look like that stream of people are in one big line for something? Nope, just that crowded today. And the waterpark wasn't even closed yet when this was taken... scary. It was hard to walk on some midways.
Voodoo had an almost full queue at around 6 pm. That's when the waterpark closed, which means the rest of DP would be flooded with even more people in a bit of time! I find it hard to believe that DP isn't having a *very* strong season attendance wise... I can't think of a rainy Saturday recently at all.
YAY! This is one of the signs posted in the 'blue and white tent' outside the main gates that's the public picnic area. I'm happy that this will be not used in this fashion next year because it's dirty, messy, crowded, smelly, smoky, and gross. It's rumored to be the home of the Joe Cool Backyard Barbecue in 2009.
The ever wonderful Sign Shop updated the logos on the back of the park's Haunt Hearse. Me heart Sign Shop.
The park is really advertising The Haunt. Like last year, banners for the different attractions have gone up all over the park. Here's one for Club Blood - a haunted house that is rumored to have an age restriction due to 'mature' themes. How fun!
I did not climb anything or go anywhere wrong to get this photo, for the record. The entrance/exit to Club Blood is done, and you can see that the queue is ready as well. They've put up a nice blocker wall so the rest of this backstage area isn't visible.
More signs. The ScreamWorks one is the same as last year, but since Doctor of Doom is 'new' this year that one is different. How nasty looking is that clown? Again, I love it.
Two more new attractions at The Haunt for 2009. Terror Square sounds cool with the western theme - I really hope they have "sliders" like at Knott's, guys with metal knee pads on that literally slide at guests and shoot sparks on the way. It's great and hilarious to watch!
As far as CornStalkers... I didn't take a photo because it was backstage, but I saw a bunch of huge wooden crosses and cornstalks sitting around. This one should be awesome, too!Headstone Hollow is the new and improved Fright Zone. If you read the description, you can see they are using the fact that it was the Fright Zone as backstory for the new attraction. Points for that, indeed.
They're already starting to work on Boo Hill. Does anyone else feel like Kill Hill was a last minute addition? I mean that in a good way, but we had never heard of it, and it doesn't even have a sign at the park. I still think it'll be neat either way.
And finally, just was thinking about how stuff will have to change next year when Laser is gone. For instance, these two will have to be at the very least renamed.
That's it for now. Next weekend marks the end of daily operation, and then the park has several weekends of park buyouts only. Then it's Haunt time!
I was going to stop on my way back from NY towards Reading but I'm glad I did not stop now. I at least wanted my first Voodoo and then my Laser goodbye rides within a few hours. Looks like that would not have happened.
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