Dorney Park 8.2.08 Update
I am a Dorney Park update animal. No really, I read that Haunt promotional stuff had gone out this past week so I figured I'd stop by and grab some shots.This thing is done. It's not as nice as I'd hoped, looking that is. They have like used car lot style flags up and everything. Blah...
A $5 special! Hope those people don't know that it's that amount in the beginning of the season!
On man, really? Dorney Park bags are gone now too! I have to thank this random man for standing so still and holding that bag perfectly so I could snap this shot.
Okay Haunt stuff now. Here's the hearse that's sitting just inside the entrance gates. The paint job is awesome this year! The back has logos for some of the Haunt attractions, but not Magical House on Kill Hill or Headstone Hollow.
Here's the nice set up they did to attract employees for the Haunt. And yes, that skeleton is saying "Get paid to make people scream!" I could make a lot of non-PG jokes about that one...
Here's a sign they have up a few places for the Haunt. It's a really big picture so you can read it, be warned.
It says there will be three new outdoor mazes - so I guess that's CornStalkers, Terror Square, and Headstone Hollow. It also says one new indoor maze - guess that's Club Blood. I'm thinking that making Boo Hill a scary house at night was a recent decision?The family friendly aspect of the Halloween Events is now known as Boo! Blast. This title comes from another Cedar Fair park ... I'm not feeling like looking it up but maybe Worlds of Fun? The sign does say that there will be a new Pirate map thing that will result in a Halloween costume. Not sure how that'll work but cool!
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