Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi Delayed to 2014

Conceptual Plan © Schlitterbahn
After an exciting public development process that took place earlier this year the plan was to have Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi open for the 2013 Summer season, but delays at the company's South Padre Island Schlitterbahn Beach Resort have pushed that opening back to 2014.  The company has received up to $117 million in tax incentives to move forward with the project, and despite the delay it sounds like that deal will still be honored.

The water park would be part of massive development that would include a golf course, Marina district, Island Walk retail area, and a resort/housing development and potentially hotels.

Schlitterbahn owner Jeff Henry reports that he would like to focus on completing developments at The Beach resort, then be able to focus his team on making one of the largest and best water parks for Corpus Christie.

Proposed plans for the park show the use of the transportainment system for most of the park, with many water ways connected by slides and channels.