"Where's Wally Bear?" Part 2
This is the second in a two part series of NPN's look back at our recent trip to Waldameer Amusement Park. If you missed Part 1, click here to check it out.Welcome back! Let's start off by discussing why this article's title is "Where's Wally Bear?" Well, it's because Sabrina said it! She really wanted to see him! Sadly, only I caught a passing glimpse of Wally during our visit. One day Sabrina, one day.
But speaking of Wally, if you want to read more about the story behind the bear, check out the Waldablog's detailed series of posts that take a hard look at his origins.Last time I spoke of the beautiful location of Waldameer, then I realized I had this photo to prove it! This is a look at Lake Erie from the park, you can see the Ravine Flyer II's tunnel in the bottom to give you some perspective.
The park's mega-new for 2009 ride is the Mega Vortex. Part of the park's $2 million expansion, Waldameer actually expanded their South midway in order to add the ride.
Mega Vortex is visually impressive, spinning riders back and forth on its track much to their delight. I usually am weary of rides of this kind, mostly for my stomach, but found it to be a really good time!
Mr. Gorman said they traveled to Kennywood last fall and heard that their Cosmic Chaos ride was extremely popular with guests, and that helped 'seal the deal' with their decision to add the ride. Great choice, I say!Pirate's Cove is the park's second classic Bill Tracy dark ride. Well, in this instance it's actually a funhouse, not a dark ride. It is wonderfully preserved, though - and really long! I kept expecting to turn a corner and be done but it just kept going and going, much to our delight. I have a soft spot in my heart for anything with moving floors, I suppose.
Steel Dragon is the park's largest steel roller coaster, added to the park for the 2004 season.
Designed by Maurer Sohne, the ride features bright red track atop bright blue supports. It's individual cars also spin freely throughout the ride, adding to the experience.

This train provides one seriously long ride! It heads from the middle of the park all the way out to the edge of the park by Ravine Flyer II, then across the length of the park to the picnic pavilions and back.
Speaking of the area near Ravine Flyer II, this spot has been reserved for a Chair Swing ride sometime in the future. It's planned for 2010, but when we spoke to Mr. Gorman he wasn't sure it would still be added, citing the less than fantastic season parks across the country are having this year.
The park hadn't even narrowed down which manufacturer would provide the ride when we visited, and I haven't heard if they decided either way yet. We'll have to stay tuned. The plan for the ride was actually announced way back in October of last year.
Alright, enough waiting. Let's 'hop' on over to the park's big draw: Ravine Flyer II.

Like all good things, that brings us to the end of the reviews from our Western PA Park Tour. It was a grand adventure - and many thanks also to you, our readers, for coming along for the trip!
Um... Er... What addiction to park mascots?? --->
lol - This comment is going to make zero sense once I change that photo!
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