A Blast From The Past - Busch Gardens Europe's Drachen Fire

Drachen Fire opened with the park on April 4th, 1992. The fearsome creature was, at the time, one of the biggest steel roller coasters in North America. The theming was based on a fire breathing dragon (drachen is German for dragon) with 3550 feet of electric-blue track and trains with multicolored flames on the sides. Expectations were high, perhaps to high, it seemed Arrow many have gotten in way over their heads! The original B&M concept was a radical departure from anything that Arrow had ever done at that time. The ride featured many unique elements, add to that cars were also a new body style for Arrow, they were a bit more streamlined and featured lights along the side which looked very cool at night.
While coaster enthusiasts drooled over Drachen Fire, the general public was a much different story. Seems they were much to busy being brutalized by Drachen Fire's roughness to be overwhelmed by it's unique qualities. The number of guests complaining of head and neck injuries and low ridership prompted Busch to make some changes.
Originally built with 6 inversions, the diving corkscrew which immediately followed the brake run was removed after the 1994 season. The problem was the element itself but more the transition from the drop off the mid-course into the corkscrew. The park had hoped that this would reduce the punishment and complaints.
In the end the renovation was not enough and in July of 1998 the ride closed due to roughness. And, Busch wasn't all that thrilled with it's location. Drachen Fire was located in the Rhineland, Germany section, behind the Big Bad Wolf. The entrance path was between the Festhaus and the first lift on Big Bad Wolf. It's now the entrance to the Black Forest Picnic Area. The station is still standing, it's used for the Sleepless Hollow Manor at Howl-O-Scream.

The legend of Drachen Fire will live on and continue to grow as the years pass by. Drachen Fire is on our growing list of defunct coasters we have ridden. While I would like to ride again (once) for old times sake, I would still rather stand in line for any of the existing Busch Gardens Europe roller coasters.
I would've loved to ride this coaster. Nice feature!
I still wonder about the involvement of B&M and Arrow with those two rides.
I am not saying that your report is wrong, but I do have the feeling that the DF/Kumba-story is a result of internet yarn. I am reading international forums for a long time and the story about Drachenfire as it is now up on wikipedia took some time to develop into its current form.
For one B&M insists that they never had anything to do with DF (that´s understandable of course), but as you might know: Werner Stengel and his company were doing all the dynamics for B&Ms looping coasters.
The book about Stengel, which was published in 2000 lists all of his projects up to that date, including unbuilt and unfinished projects. There are project numbers for several unbuilt rides for many amusement park chains, but nothing for BGW. This would mean that Stengel was never contacted with working on the layout for DF.
It is also unlikely that B&M would have given their designs to their competitor Arrow. This did happen once at Bush Gardens after Schwarzkopf went bankrupt during the construction of BBW.
However, many parks approach the manufacturer with a fairly developed design idea and concepts what the ride should do. This would explain the Batwing/Boomerang inversion and the interlocking corkscrews being an original idea by BGs planners.
After all Vekoma invented that element in the early 1980s for the Arrow trains. It shouldn´t have been anything too unusual for Arrow, especially given the fact that the Bowtie element was essentially the same (only in a different set-up).
As for Arrow being unable to design a loop wrapping around the lift: They invented the interlocking loop! Looking at rides such as Viper at SFMM (and its predecessors) it shouldn´t have been too difficult for the coat-hanger designers to do exactly that.
I actually think that Arrow felt the competition at this point. After Schwarzkopf went out of business and before Intamin went into overdrive there was only Arrow and to a smaller extent Zierer/BHS and TOGO. Except building higher rides there was practically no evolution at Arrow. There is actually a quantum leap between Kumba and Drachenfire and after B&M dominated the 1990s Arrow were a thing of the past.
I almost missed my chance to ride the Big Bad Wolf. Unfortunately, Drachen Fire was a out of my reach until after it closed. Busch has sure seen their hardships with arrow. These coasters were sure beautiful while they lasted. It is definitely an interesting track design for Arrow. Thank you for the feature!
I wish I could of had the chance to ride this!
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