A Blast From The Past - Relocated Woodies, The Arkansas Twister

All the hubbub lately about relocating/recreating wooden roller coasters, got me to thinking of the parks that have successfully under taken that very task. Over the next few weeks the Blast will be featuring some of those coasters that have had a second chance at providing chills, thrills and screams! Since we recently trekked to Magic Springs to ride the Arkansas Twister, it seems like a great coaster to get us rolling.

In 1978, William Cobb & Associates built the Roaring Tiger for Circus World in Haines City Florida. At 3340 feet long, with a height of 95 feet tall and a drop of 92 feet long this out and back traveled at up to 50 MPH.

The Roaring Tiger underwent several name changes while still in the Sunshine State, It was briefly Michael Jackson's Thrill Coaster and when Circus World became Boardwalk & Baseball the coaster became the Florida Hurricane.

The Hurricane was SBNO (Standing But Not Operating) from early 1990 to 1995. It was purchased by Magic Springs for $10,000. However the relocation and reconstruction, done by Martin & Vleminckx brought the total investment to nearly $900,000.

The Arkansas Twister was "new" for the 2000 season at Magic Springs and a decade later it's still a fast, smooth, fun ride!

Bill Cobb was particularly known for his work on designing and relocating several major wooden roller coasters in the 1970s and 1980s so it's interesting that several of his designs were relocated.
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