Scott And Carol Present - Happy Halloweekends at Cedar Point

Cedar Point has continued to improve the offerings at their fall Halloweekends event. At least one of the mazes is heavily revamped each year to provide new thrills and small touches are added throughout the park.

The new for 2009 Eerie Estate even offers a fine dining plan, allowing you to scare that special someone with something tasty. The menu offers things like crab legs, a seafood Alfredo pasta, fillet Mignon, and lobster. A popular beverage is Bloody Beer, and there is a special surprise for dessert.
Betty, complete with her candle, greats you at the door well before the attraction opens and guides you to the dining room, admonishing you to “Follow the candle,” with an unsettling voice. Seated around the dining table, she encourages someone, any one, to press the button that starts an eerie soundtrack.

If you are a regular visitor to Cedar Point you won’t recognized the inside of the former finance offices. The former denizens had previously scoffed at tales of haunted areas in the park, but if they choose to visit the estate, they might reconsider.

Betty stays in character during the meal, and a lucky guest is asked at knife point “Do you like your salad.” On our visit, Betty was saving her most horrific stuff for a more scare experienced clientele, explaining she didn’t want to ruin it for the children. But she regaled them with stories of haunted lore from Cedar Point.

Brian Poloski says “Advanced reservations are required, for this is limited to only 400 guests per season.”

For a less exclusive dining option, you can visit the Alien Café, and take your picture with the man-eating plant.

There are lots of nice decorations throughout the park. Here is our favorite (13)

During the day the friendly monsters come out to dance with the younger set. And of course Charlie Brown and Snoopy have to have a costume contest. The winners get a special treat.

The landscaping crew has been worked to the bone this season.

A nice family friendly parade featuring the Peanuts gang and friendly monsters attracts a large crowd. And, the costume contest winners are invited to ride along and show off their costumes.

The cemetery of dead rides brings back lots of memories. One of the old rides is haunted according to Betty; do you know which one it is?
When darkness falls a more menacing tone is heard throughout the park. The Awakening has screamsters storming the midway and they congregate beneath the Overlord. Once he releases them the outdoor mazes and scare zones are open to thrill. They have learned more effective ways to scare the guests during scare school and this makes the attractions much more enjoyable.

Cedar Point has a off beat sense of humor and often digs up things that are just lying around to blend withsome new decorations

The new Dr. D. Mented’s Asylum for the criminally insane is located in the old Carousel building across from the Wave swinger. On quiet nights after the park closes, some associates have reported hearing the music and the laughing from years gone by. During Halloweekends all you hear is screams from the new guests of the Doctor. His many years of experiments gone awry have taken their toll on his patients so he is now looking for a few willing subjects to refine his techniques. Stay with your group lest you be “recruited” for his next experiment. The room with lunging skeletons is particularly effective.

CornStalkers and Club Blood make their annual return and of course it wouldn’t be Halloweekends without CarnEvil.
The Fright Zone was the walk-through we were most impressed with. The lighting made for extremely eerie surroundings and Screamsters were very creepy this year.
Alas, all to soon the clock struck mid-night and our time at Halloweekends had expired. Happy Haunting and our thanks to Robin Innes, the PR Overlord.
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