Sunday, August 23, 2020

New Stranger Things - The Drive-Into Experience Coming to Los Angeles Area This Fall

© Stranger Things The Drive-Into Experience
If there ever were a year to be extra creative in the Halloween haunt industry, 2020 would be it.  With most parks and stand-alone events staying closed this year due to COVID-19, a brand new drive-through experience based on the popular Stranger Things series will open in downtown Los Angeles, specific location is still a secret.


While not described as a 'haunt' or 'scary' per say, the Stranger Things - The Drive-Into Experience does include "unforeseen and unusual occurrences," which does fit in with the feel of Stranger Things.  More of a creepy feel rather than outright scares, at least that is how I am interpreting.  The event is being produced by Secret Cinema, which has a long history of creating immersive, limited-run theatrical performances that allow people to live the movies, quite literally.  Their work is amazing and they recently ended a Casino Royale run that grossed more than $10 million in London - they really know what they're doing.


From the safety of their personal vehicle, visitors will travel "travel back in time to 1985 and become a Hawkins resident - in real life."  Setting out on an adventure guests will "unlock the untold story of Hawkins in this unique format event - all from the safety of your car."  It sounds like they are building many locations from the series, including Starcourt Mall, and the trip includes "mind-blowing audio and visual effects."


And yes, from the hinting on the event's official website, it definitely sounds like there will be a chance to head into the uʍop ǝpᴉsdn!

The event will start in October and tickets per car start at $59.  The event is recommended for ages 12 and older and will take more than one hour to complete.  More details will be released shortly, and ticket sales will begin on August 12th.