Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Aerial Antics: Geauga Lake Before And Afters

Geauga Lake's aerials on Bing! Maps have some updated images spliced in with the old that allow for some neat (though sad) comparisons.

Like in this case we can see Superman: Ultimate Escape standing and ready to thrill passengers with it's launch.

But then, in this photo it has be ripped out of the ground and at that point was probably already in Pennsylvania preparing to become Possessed at Dorney Park.

Here's the two coasters that were right on the Lake part of Geauga Lake: Thunderhawk and Dominator.

And here we see the land littered with concrete support 'footers' and no more coasters! They headed off to Michigan and Virginia.

Finally, a fun looking kiddie area, packed with rides and attractions for the smaller members of your family.

And now they're all at Cedar Point in Planet Snoopy!

Here's a link to the aerials, you have to play around a while to get the newer ones to come up.